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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Our latest review is with Science for High School

Our latest review is with Science for High School
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We had the chance to review the following material from Science for High School.
We definitely needed this review. I had been trying to locate a chemistry for my high schooler for a while as she needs Chemistry for a her choice of career. Yay for this review. We are a step closer to completing what she needs science wise. While I loved learning science in school, chemistry was not really my favorite science course. Now to teach it, O LORD!

 photo ChemPrint_HiResJPEG_zpsfbaddef9.jpgWhat we received in the mail: We received the physical Chemistry material in the mail, ($79.99 complete set), thus including:
  1. labs
  2. quizzes
  3. exams
  4. answer key
  5. spiral bound parent manual
  6. pre-done 3 hole punch student manual
What is inside? The parent manual includes, an FAQ, Introduction, syllabus, the first semester supply list, a second semester supply list, weekly questions with answers divided by semester, lab manual including notes on what the student should observe also divided by semester. Click here to view the syllabus and samples. The student manual includes, weekly questions, lab manual, quizzes and exams, all are divided by semester.

** Lab equipment and chemicals will need to be purchased separately. If you need to purchase any of the kits or chemicals noted within this material you can visit the Science for High school site and purchase what you need. **  

About Science for High School
Science for High School is created by Bridget Ardoin and is a research based science curriculum. Mrs. Ardoin graduated with a degree in microbiology from Louisiana State University and has taught high school science in private schools and as a tutor. She created this curriculum to challenge students, yet be parent and teacher friendly curriculum. Not only does she have a Chemistry curriculum, she has a physical science and biology curriculum as well. Each of these curriculum's are a part of the TOS Review so you will want to keep reading the reviews attached below.

How we used this material: We used this in our 4 day week schedule, since we still had other curriculum we were waiting for, we had a little extra time to keep working with this. Because this is a research based chemistry curriculum, the student does most of the work reading, answering questions and researching the resource websites, then after the lessons there is the hands on lab. This chemistry material is not like reading it from ordinary text books. This curriculum is more about helping the student learn to research, learn composition, and also use time management skills. If your child is an independent, visual and also hands on learner, I believe he/she will like this curriculum. My oldest enjoys doing a lot of work on her own for the peace and quiet, but also enjoys coming together for some work, which in this case, we had the chance to do both  through out this curriculum, plus coming together for the labs. (Super fun) The labs are reasonably easy and safe for your school environment, I recommend you have the labs pre-planned out before doing them. I was a little bit nervous about working this with her as though I love science, Chemistry is the mother of all science whoppers. Roflol. But we made it and actually enjoyed it.  

I am very thankful and glad we were able to use this chemistry material as again my daughter needs this for her choice of work. We enjoyed this material and are considering using some of the other materials Mrs. Ardoin has at a later time. Remember that I mentioned up for review is Chemistry, Biology and Physical Science. If this material sparks interest, you might want to head over and read what everyone else is saying about the Science for High School materials that are up for this review. To read more click on the noted below attached review crew link and see what everyone else is saying about her material. 


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