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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Encourage Our Kids - Part 2

Have you ever had days where you feel down in the rumps and really just would like anyone just to say something nice to you? I think we all have experienced that one or twice maybe more in our life. For our children especially when there is more then one sibling that can be something they face several times a week or on a daily basis. Often times as parents we get so busy caught up in our every day life that something is always taken our eyes of our children or grabbing our focus somewhere. Our children yearn for our love and attention. Encouraging them will help them succeed down the road in life. In today's world we have family sizes almost similar in some cases to what once used to be a family. Back in the older days sizes of families were rather large. Were are looking at in some cases more then 4 children some up around 20 children and more. WE are seeing the rise in some cases for larger family. While there is nothing wrong with this, in most cases (note I did not say all) these children are the ones yearning for the parents attention.

They can get their siblings attention anytime but one on one with mom and dad is a bit more difficult and their are fights from other siblings going for the same thing. I bring this up only because in many families across this nation, the children are not encouraged by the parents. It can be a loving of loving house hold and just the least bit of distraction takes a way from the children. Maybe you are a parent who encourages but how often do you encourage? Is it really enough? I trully believe that something positive spoken to our children on a daily note will help them later on in life with their struggles. We will not only be encouraging them but teaching them and equipping them to do the same later on in life to those they come in contact.

In todays world there is less encouraging and more discouraging or battering of hurtful words which has our society in the midst of a struggling war. Our kids are depressed and committing suicide or killing others. Bullying is on the rise. Not just our kids even adults face this today. So not just an encouraging note for our kids but for us as adults. Can we take the time daily to encourage our family, friends and co-workers or employees. Can I challenge us to do this and see what a difference it will make in the lives of those we come across.

Here are some more encouragers for kids and family or friends

I believe in you
Thanks so much for the way you handled that situation
Even though it didn’t work out this time, you tried, and that’s what matters
I really appreciate the way you did that
I like spending time with you
You’re a really cool person
You did a great job putting your toys away
You have a beautiful smile
I love to hear you laugh (or sing or tell a story).
I’m so thankful God chose to give you to us
My life would be pretty boring without you.
That was a fabulous idea you came up with.
I think you did that much better than I could have done it.
Way to go!
You showed a lot of courage in that situation.
Let’s work on it together.
I couldn’t have done it without you.
That’s awesome!
You did the right thing, even when no one was watching; that shows you’re a person of integrity.
I’m very proud of you.
Hey, thanks.
I’m sorry.
You’re a lot of fun to be with.
I can tell you’ve been working hard.
I just love spending time with you.
You used good judgment.
I appreciate the way you thought that through.
Most people wouldn't have been that smart (determined, focused, wise).
I'm so glad you are my child.
You really understand how to be a good friend to others.
You are just great!
Thanks for helping even when I don’t ask.
You are a true blessing to me.
You did a wonderful job.
I love your heart.
I'm so glad I get to be your parent.
You are so special.
I know that wasn’t your favorite thing to do — thanks for your wonderful attitude.
You are someone who sticks to it.
What a kind thing to say.
You make me so happy.
I knew you could do it.
You’re the best!
I love you.

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