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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why Homeschool?

Why homeschool?

There are many reasons to homeschool. Many homeschool for morals and beliefs, many homeschool for security reasons, others homeschool for educational concerns. None the less what ever the reasons are, Homeschool seems to be making a new wave to the future.

Years ago people believed homeschool to be a very bad thing for any parent to do. Why? For the most part the lack of understanding on homeschool education was the biggest reason. The concerns for isolation to the child were brought out in almost every discouraging view. Lack of education was another concern. Many thought and some still today feel a parent would not be suitable for educating their child. HMMM! Why?

A parent can raise their child until they move off on their own but when it comes to education some believe the parent is not qualified enough to educate. How can this be? A parent does not need a teaching degree to teach their child. A teaching degree is a certificate from the Government noting they were herby certified as a teacher by the Government. Which brings me to this, Most teachers today are strictly told what to teach and how to teach it.

With this being said, many do not realize that alot of our true education is vanishing before our eyes. I know and have talked with many teachers and have family in the education field. With all that I have been told about what is going on in the schools and the changes to come, I have to say, I am not suprised and I am extremely on guard and fully believe that homeschooling is the best choice for our family.

So why homeschool, if all of this is a huge concern? With all the ruckus in the Government right now, that is a major reason to homeschool. Another being that schools today are not as strong in education like they were before. WE use to be number one in education in the world. Now we are worst in the world.

Allow me to share a brief piece of information with you. When I pulled my oldest out of the public school to homeschool, she was in 4th grade. I waited for the end of school year to pull her out so she could complete the remainder of the year. They passed her to 5th grade. So new to homeschooling, I went ahead and purchased the 5th grade curriculum. As I purchased the curriculum I bought Diagnostic testing for her to do so I could evaluate her yearly. AS I tested her before school started to see what she knew and what she didnt, I found out several things.

One of the most important things was this, She was not at all ready for the 5th grade. After the results of this test I made a quick call to the teacher who had her and found out alot of missing details that many were not aware of. I found out most of everything she learned in her 4th grade year was all a recap of 3rd grade and towards the last two or three months of the school year they began hitting 4th grade level. All of this was because of the STATE STANDARD ~ ISTEP TESTING!

They were so concerned about the Istep testing they recapped for most of the year before learning 4th grade. That explained why my daughter only new more 3rd grade math then she did 4th grade level math and other subjects. UGH!

Again, WHY HOMESCHOOL? With the lack of concerns "it seems" that the government has for education. I would say that is one of the biggest reasons to homeschool. I do not believe that schooling our children for longer hours in the day or six days a week is going to resolve the problem when we are dealing with a Corrupted Government searching for an easy way out and other ways of control. In most cases it is all about the grant most schools get from the government rather then the education period.

Homeschooling is best for many families because of the lack of govermental control, we are free to teach our children our morals and beliefs, we are free to educate our children with any curriculum ~ be it bible based or not, we teach on our schedule and time where we are most comfortable in ~ The Comfort of Our Own Home, Homeschooling is a SAFE HAVEN.

Now that homeschooling is on the rise many are pulling away from the negative views and finding out the Positive views and see that homeschooling IS NOT what it was made out to be.

Homeschooling is not ISOLATION! We are more socialized then many would believe us to be. Homeschooling has shown time and again the successes of Homeschools vs Public schools. Who would of thought that Homeschooling is more successful then a public school of today.

So why homeschool?

~ Homeschool for YOUR reasoning, not because of what others have to say.

To most :

~ Homeschooling IS Freedom Based ~ Make the choice of curriculum Biblical or Non Biblical - what is best for your family, your choice!

~ Homeschooling can be safety/security in your own home.

~ Homeschooling is one on one parent and child. The love a parent has for their children can not be replaced by any teacher. The concerns of a parent are not always the concerns of the teacher.

~ Socializing & Homeschooling - Socializing is actually a little better in homeschooling than a public school. You have control of whom your child socializes with as well as the fact you are not having the usual dealings with every day peer pressures. Also the statement that children need to be socialized with other children is not proven to be true. In deed it is actually the opposite, It is damaging for our children to be socialized more in the peer culture of today. More the reason to homeschool.

~ Family - Any homeschooling family will tell you today that one of the benefits of homeschooling has been the bonding and strengthening of their family. Parents and children grow together in the time together learning, siblings develope a love and respect towards each other as they learn and grow together daily. These are the families that can overcome the family fragmenting courses of todays life.

~ Spirituallity for many is a great reason to homeschool, growing and raising their children in Gods word.

You can click on the link below and view 55 other reasons to homeschool : http://www.waldsfe.org/Humor/55reasons.htm

None the less you are going to find out that one of the top reasons many homeschool is, "Quality Time" together teaching and raising their children.

I have listed several reasons as to why many homeschool, but as for me I homeschool for several different reasons. Why?

~ We homeschool for the one on one time with our children. Quality time bonding and strengthening our family.

~ We homeschool for our christian based beliefs - we want our children to have a strong foundation in christ and learn the truths of education.

~ We homeschool because our Government is corrupted and their corruption is heading into the schools.

~We homeschool because we have seen that our children are not going to learn or benefit from a public school, what they can benefit and learn from is homeschooling.

These are just a few of our reasons why we homschool. With all of this being said, let me ask you :

~ What are your reasons to why you are homeschooling?

~Why are you considering to homeschool?

I'd love to hear from you on your thoughts towards homeschooling.

Until next time friend,

Blessings to all!

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