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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Back To School Deals -- Up Coming Deals Are Out

It seems like the retail industry wants to end summer as soon as it begins. That is some crazy stuff. LOL! Already school promos are popping up and summer promotional aisles are changing over to school supplies. Are you ready to begin a new school year? Do you need more supplies? Well you are in luck. Thanks to Saving Lifestyle Blog they are preparing you for all the upcoming and latest deals for school. Plus you will want to keep an eye on your local retailers and ads.

Here are some of the retailers on the coming list: 

  1. Dollar General Stores
  2. K-Mart Stores
  3. Office Max Stores
  4. Rite Aide Stores
  5. Staples Stores
  6. Target Stores
  7. Wal-Mart Stores

Some of the deals and items noted in the ads for upcoming list are as noted: 

  1. Pencil Sharpeners
  2. Various Brands of Coloring Pencils
  3. Mini Stapler w Staples
  4. Various Brands of Crayons
  5. Sharpie Markers
  6. Various Brands Markers
  7. Various Notebooks
  8. Dry Erase Markers
  9. Various Brands of Glue
  10. Paper Folders
  11. Scissors
  12. Loose Binder Notebook Paper
  13. Various Brands of Pencils
  14. Index Cards (various sizes)
  15. Erasers
  16. Various Brands of Glue 
  17. And more items not mentioned
To get a look at the FULL List of Sales and their actual ad prices as well as the stores the ad is for,  you will need to head over to the Saving Lifestyle and read the full list. You can do that by clicking this attached link noted here:  The Full Back to School - LIST 

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