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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Seed Sowers - Great Review on Missionaries

We reviewed recently for Seed Sowers 

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About this book:
 photo seedsowers_zpsfab02814.gifThe product we reviewed is Seed Sowers Gospel Planting Adventures. We had the choice of receiving the actual book or ebook. We chose to receive the physical paperback book which is 165 pages in length. This book was wrote by Gwen Toliver, a homeschooler since 2010 who serves with Wycliffe Associates where she is surrounded by retired missionaries and Bible Translators from all around the world.   This book speaks in great details about the knowledge and field experience from the missionaries that surround Mrs. Toliver. She speaks on the difficulties these missionaries are faced with like witch doctors, head hunters and cannibals, wildcats, terrifying rides down white water-rapids and frightening encounters with unknown tribes. 
In her own words she notes, "Most of them possess this amazing wealth of spiritual knowledge and mission field experience that would be lost if it's not recorded for future generations. Only a few had documented or told their stories."
The Physical softback book normally retails for $13.95, (At the time of this post, You 

can get the softback book for $12.50).  The hardback book retails for $30.95 and the 

ebook (kindle) retails for $3.99.  

Learn more about Gwen Toliver by reading her About The Author Page.

Briefing & Our Thoughts:
In my opinion, one of the greatest calling's from God is missionary work. Don't get me wrong, any calling from God is a gift. There is no greater calling then to lay our life down and take up the Cross and follow Christ by going in to unknown territories and spread His Gospel to every end of the world.  

Ever since I was a little girl I can remember sitting in front of the television and watching the commercials on all the little children in other countries and all their families, starving and hurting and unfortunately, dying. I remember sitting and staring at the TV with my eyes filled with tears and sometimes extending my hands and making remarks like: "One day, One day, I will go these countries and I will hold these people and let them know that I cared even if no one else did." Of course back then I was a child who knew little about the very one who actually cared about them and everyone else in the world. 

Growing up and in my adult life,  I still always felt the nudge to want to go over in to other countries, one place particular was Africa. Once I came to the Lord and was in the church, I met many missionaries and even some from Africa. The stories they shared and the work they did and the difficulties they had to work through. Such an admiration I had and still have for each of them.

Now along side of my husband I am blessed to see the Lord has not only birthed this desire in me, but has also birthed a similar desire in our oldest daughter. She is now working towards her medical background. Her goal and dream is to team up with a friend and missionary for training over seas and not only introduce God's word but bring medical care to them. You can imagine how excited I was to get a hold of this book.

The first thing to note is that a missionaries work just does not consist of learning and teaching God's Word. When you are going over seas in to some of these countries, there is a lot of work that has to be done to prepare. You have to learn and know about the places you are going to be working in. Language is a big factor. If you do not know their language, how would you be able to translate God's Word? The work of a missionary is not something that is just thrown together in seconds. It takes a lot of hard work studying, preparing and translating. In a lot of cases there are years of work. In this book she notes that some things took over 20 years to see it through.   

Through out this book, Gwen shares about the experience of 21 different individual or coupled missionaries who are in the field bringing God's word to groups of people. To note: some locations and names of individuals were changed for the safety of individuals who are out working in countries that reject the Bible. Below are a few pictures we could share with you. You might want to check out other pictures on some of the missionary work by visiting The Seed Sowers Pictures Page.

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Through out this book, I think it is interesting to read about some of details shared on how God worked through every situation     good, bad, disgusting, scary and weird. How His provision and power was shown through the missionaries and their work. The stories about how the missionaries learned big lessons from God. How they had to learn to trust God while developing a relationship with the tribes. How they had to learn tribal language and how to translate God's Word to these tribes. 

Through the stories that she shared in this book, we read about the many challenges these missionaries faced. Some that were close calls nearly taking lives of the individuals while they were working to accomplish what they set out to do.     Little off subject     Reading this book made me think of the book about the "JESUS film" and the close calls they encountered in the field while spreading the Gospel. This book almost allows you to feel as though you are there overseeing their work. At the end of the chapters the feeling you are left with is "awe struck" and in some cases a little excitement for all of their hard work and accomplishments. Through out each chapter you can see the move of God's Hand while He worked through and for these individuals.

The dedication and devotion through these precious individuals to help spread God's Word in countries like Indonesia and the Andes of Peru, is just amazing. Their faith and the testing of their faith to do the will of God, is definitely inspiring. I appreciate each one and all they have done that so many of us for whatever reason are unable to do. 

This book is such a great and inspiring book. I definitely would recommend it for a great read. I believe it reveals God in ways that we all probably have never seen here within this country, (US). It is definitely worth the time to read. Not only was I encouraged by reading this but my daughter enjoyed this book. It definitely opened her eyes in more ways then one about what she may be faced with ahead of her. It is my prayer that it helps her as she searches to become the servant she is being called to be in the areas He is leading her. I know you really will enjoy this book either as individual reading it or together as a family reading this book. 

Find out what others are saying about Seed Sowers Gospel Planting Adventures by clicking the below Review Crew Button.


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