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Friday, July 25, 2014

Apologia Review

Review for:
Flourish Book Review

About Apologia Educational Ministries: Apologia is a family owned business whose mission is to help homeschool families live, learn and defend their christian faith. They have a large amount of homeschool resources that can be ordered both oniline and at yearly conventions and they offer online interactive courses. Apologia provides curriculum for language arts, science, history and biblical worldview and provides other resourceful material for parents that will assist in defending our faith and speaking truth in love.

Flourish Book ReviewThe moms on the review crew were recently given physical copies of the new paperback book Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms by author Mary Jo Tate.

About the author: Mary Jo Tate is a successful business woman and homeschool mom of four boys. She is a successful author, international editor, a book coach and the host of the "Flourish at Home" show on the Ultimate Radio Network.

Flourish Book ReviewWhether your discouraged, burned out, stressing your homeschool routine or just stuck, this is book is a good read. Even if your homeschool is okay right now, I would still recommend this read to keep you encouraged and inspired for the road ahead.

In this book, author Mary Jo Tate offers real life principles that we can apply to our family life to help things balance out. She offers great ideas and tips that help us to evaluate how our time is spent, how to deal with unexpected interruptions and how to set goals and follow them. Through out the book she encourages moms to prioritize responsibilities, establish routines that work and evaluate progress weekly. This book is designed for working moms, homeschooling moms, staty-at-home moms and single moms. 

Contents of this book include the following chapter's that are broken down in small sections giving you a chances to read and abosrb little by little as you read on. Chapters are as noted:
  • An Invitation to Flourish
  • Change Your Mind to Change Your Time
  • The FREEDOM Toolbox
  • Where Did My Time Go?
  • Aim High: Setting Goals
  • What Do I Do Next? Seven Essential Planning Tools
  • We Interrupt This Program
  • It’s Time for an Attitude Adjustment
  • Oxygen Masks and Monkey Bread Days
  • Training Your Children
  • Making Memories
  • Managing Your Home
  • All of Life is Learning
  • Solo Act: Flourishing as a Single Mom
  • Home Business
  • Moving Ahead
I really enjoyed this reading this book. I have been homeschooling over 10 years now and believe me when I say, there are often times where I am ready to toss in the towel and walk off. Sometimes ya just want to pull your hair out and scream because of the stress or the storm that shows up. Its always good to have a book to fall back on that gives you all the encouraging you need in the storm your facing, brings you all the tools that you need to help you refocus and get back on track. No one ever said Homeschooling is a walk in the park, if they did I am for certain we all would want to slap them. Lol. 

Another good aspect of this book that I appreciate is at the end of the book she includes customized planning forms to assist you as you refocus, prioritize and get back on track. There is a lot of information in this book that is inspiring and encouraging. As I mentioned above each chapter is broken down so the information is not overwhelming and you are able to read and absorb each section as you read on. Can I just say, THANK YOU! This book in my opinion is a must have, must read.

Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms retails for $15.00, not inlcuding shipping.

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