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Friday, February 22, 2019

Homeschooling Alerts! Why you are needed.

I have had to be a mia this week due to finalizing my family members papers for long term care and clearing out her home. But I want to come back and touch base on this matter that is extremely important and we need every homeschool family to pay attention.

If you are staying on top of all of the homeschool news and alerts then you are probably starting to have some concerns about what we are seeing happen in the news. If you are not aware then you need to be aware. There is some pretty serious stuff happening right now that is going to hurt homeschooling everywhere if we do nothing. I myself am getting ready to place calls today to my state reps as we have a bill being addressed on Tuesday similar to the one in the news.

Folks this is no joke right now. A lot of homeschooler's think they do not need to be involved if they are just homeschooling their kids. Yes you do! This is your rights and the future of other homeschool families we are talking about here. We all have got to stand united on alerts like this or the future of homeschooling is going to be in danger.

So what is an alert? Alerts are issued when homeschool Representatives see a concern or threat to homeschool rights. The alert is to get every homeschooler aware of what is happening, what could happen and what action needs to be taken if any. When an alert is issued they should be taken seriously. If action is needed, it is important that every homeschool family get involved. Doing nothing only gives the government more grounding on homeschool rights. 

Bills like HF 182 and HF 272 are popping up everywhere and will impact homeschooling in several ways to some extent. Though both bills are not identical they do have some similarities in each bill. Bills like this are in some decree trying to label homeschool children in the same category as neglected and abused children. This should have every homeschool families attention.

Indiana has a bill that recently popped up in light of the Iowa bill and will be visited in house on Tuesday and will be voted on. The Indiana bill IN Bill 266 which is currently being deciphered and put in format for every homeschooler to be able to read and understand should have an updated alert sent out later today or by this weekend. Indiana families need to be following IAHE and sign up for the IAHE Action Alerts. (Links attached are to the facebook pages)

If you are in Indiana you are being asked to call your local representative now to tell them to vote NO! If it comes down to it homeschool families may even show up at the state house and make their presence known. This bill again addresses the concerns of State/School Parental Power over students mental health from birth age to 22. This includes possible in-home visits and attacks as well as violates every parents rights. Folks if you have not guessed it our parental rights are again under attack here in more ways then one. Some of these bills are not just attacking parental rights they are violating and taking parental rights away. 

The unfortunate truth is the government wants more control over all education period. Since homeschoolers and most private schools do their own thing, use their own curriculum and it is proven that homeschoolers test higher then public schooler's. (Just a note to add: homeschool curriculum is in many cases more advanced then the public school curriculum). That is a proven fact so no reason to question that note. Lol! That's not to brag on home homeschoolers, although it is quite nice. It becomes a hindrance when more and more people are seeing homeschool as a better alternative to education then the public schools. That means loss of funding to public schools as well as loss of control in educational choices made by the government. Lets be honest our kids in the public schools are $$$$$$$. The more kids that leave the public school = the less funding for the school. (I know this from family who has taught and teach now in the schools as well as private talks with a friend whom was a school principle). 

When common core was pushed most homeschool curriculum rejected it as did most homeschool families. Every time states want to regulate something regarding curriculum or changes to education, if it does not make sense, violates rights or fit with homeschoolers our state reps and national reps are fighting on our behalf to reject it. Most of these state reps are volunteers that are not getting paid to advocate our homeschol rights. They are ordinary people like you and I working daily jobs and homeschooling their own kids as well as trying to stay up in the homeschool alerts.

If you are not familiar with reps in your state or local advocate groups then I urge you to visit the HSLDA Website and review your states rep and legal information. They can direct you to who you need to be in touch with in your state.

What should I know as a homeschooler

1) You first and foremost every homeschool family needs to know their states homeschool laws and legislation's. Print them off and keep them at reach in a binder and stay updated with any changes. 
2) Know what your rights are as a homeschooler and as the parent. Do not freely give up your rights for any reason. I would keep in the loop with what is going on around the country. Generally what happens around the country is being watched by legislators everywhere.
4) Follow and join if you are able to the HSLDA.
5) Keep tabs on EVERYTHING in your homeschool. Attendance, Agenda, In-Out Session days, grades if you use them, 'Final' test scores, credits and transcripts, field outings, etc.. Is it required to have all of this? NO! But covering your butts is more important then pleasing them with the minimal information. Right?

I could probably add more but this is my top 5. Please after reading this, get to your states advocate group and sign up if you have not already done so and stay in the loop. When action is needed, take it. This stuff right hear in this post IS why I DO NOT file the Tax Credit for my homeschool expenses. By filing the credit homeschoolers are willingly opening up the door to the government in future laws regarding homeschool. Most every advocate rep will tell you this same thing!

Please take the alerts seriously when they are issued - despite what state they are in.

- Homeschool101

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