There website has a lot of information including a few webinars, an intro video by Andrew Pudewa, there is also a placement test located on the site to help assist you in where to start your student before placing an order.
If one wanted to work ahead they could work a weeks lesson in one or two days. I was ok with my daughter working a page a day as long as she knew what she was doing and was not having trouble. Each lesson is fairly easy to understand for the child to work independantly if they choose. At the end of the last lesson in the student book they include a completion certificate.
Also in the back of the students booklet is a set of flashcards to help the student(s) to study and visually learn along with with their lessons. The very back of the book includes a Glossary Terms section.
We will be purchasing the next level for this program. Others have reviewed for Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) see what they have to say by clicking the review crew link below.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/excellenceinwriting
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IEW does offer an affiliate program and you can learn more by clicking this attached link: IEW.com/affiliates
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