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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Native American Clay Art Fun

Today we did our Clay Art. It is on a tray air drying for a few days and we will then get to paint it once it is dry. So here is round 1 of 2. Lol! Kids had a blast. This Native American Lesson is so exciting and fun for them and me. Lol! I cant wait for the Potawatomi Indian Festival in week and half. Yay! I think I am worse then the kids, atleast one of them. :)

You also get to meet the visitor that appeared during our day and stayed most of the day. Mr Hopper as we called him [From Antz] He showed up on our sliding doors around noon and was there til about 4pm. He was all over the window I suppose snatching a view of what was going on inside. Kids were worried because at one point he got really close to a big spider web. But He made it off safely on his merry ol way. ;)


Renee said...

Oh those came out GREAT :)

a49erfangirl said...

That looks like it was a blast! You just gave me an idea for when we do Indians later on. I hope you show the pictures of them painted.

homeschool101 said...

Thank you ladies. I will definately post when they are painted sometime next week prob. ;)

Renee, I checke it, hmmf, not seeing the posts. Will look around. Lol. Hope to catch you tom.